KCPA Exhibition 2017 - invitation to enter

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KCPA Exhibition 2017 - invitation to enter

David Barnes
From the KCPA

Dear Club members.

I am delighted to bring you information regarding this year’s KCPA PRINT & PDI Exhibition.


It is hoped that you will join in, and help make the KCPA Exhibition 2017 an exhibition to remember,

with a record number of images being entered.


Even if you have not joined in the exhibition before why not make this the year that you do?

The Exhibition is open for entries from 10th February - 4th March 2017.


On the website www.kcpa.co.uk you will be able to find all the information you need (Including the

entry form, label template, how to submit your images, and how to pay). As you will see we have kept to

our 2015 & 2016 prices.


You are also invited to attend the selection weekend, on 1st and 2nd April at Detling. Why not come along

to see the images that have been entered, what scores they are awarded, and see what images get accepted

into the exhibition.


This year’s selectors are Peter Young DPAGB AFIAP APAGB.  Phil Charnock  FRPS, MPAGB, MFIAP

and Gwen Charnock FRPS, MPAGB, MFIAP.


As you will see from the information online, there are 2 exhibition venues this year. The exhibition will start at

Creek Creative, Faversham, Kent (25th April – 7th May), and then go onto The Crypt Gallery, Seaford, Sussex

(22nd – 28th May).


Imagine being able to see 1 or more of your own images on display at the exhibition, or being invited to come along

to the presentation evening on 29th April at Creek Creative to receive a merit award, or even a PAGB Ribbon or Medal!

Enter the exhibition and it may become a reality!


The instructions to enter are clear and user friendly. However If you have any questions please feel free to contact

myself via email competitions@kcpa.co.uk or telephone 07966298607 or 01634 303540.


The KCPA would like to wish everyone that enters the very best of luck with their images.


Kind Regards


Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS

KCPA Exhibition Coordinator.
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Re: KCPA Exhibition 2017 - invitation to enter

David Barnes
Update from KCPA (Please go to KCPA website for links which have been removed).

Dear Club members.                                                                                                                                      

It has been decided that the closing date for the KCPA Print and PDI 2017 Exhibition will now be

17th March. This is a one off extension, to enable club members to have more time to participate.  


This year we will be displaying up to 300 images, much more than

in recent years. There are also 2 exhibition venues, so double the number of places your images will be

seen if they are accepted.


The exhibition will start at Creek Creative, Faversham, Kent (25th April – 7th May), and then go onto

The Crypt Gallery, Seaford, Sussex (22nd – 28th May).


Imagine having 1 or more of your images accepted into the exhibition, and it being on display at these

venues. What a great opportunity, to be able to take your friends or family along to show them your work,

and also look at the images of other fellow club members.


A great way to try and improve your photography is to see how your image(s) score compared with others

that have entered the exhibition, so why not come along to the selection weekend on 1st and 2nd April?


You will be able to find everything you need to know about the exhibition HERE  (Including the

entry form, label template, how to submit your images, and how to pay).


If you have any questions please feel free to contact myself via email competitions@kcpa.co.uk or

telephone 07966298607 or 01634 303540.


It is hoped that you will join in, and help make the KCPA Exhibition 2017, an exhibition to remember.

The KCPA would like to wish everyone that enters the very best of luck with their images.


Kind Regards


Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS

KCPA Exhibition Coordinator.
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Re: KCPA Exhibition 2017 - invitation to enter

Chris Sawyer
Message from the KCPA about a free event related to the KCPA Exhibition 2017

KCPA Exhibition selection weekend 1st & 2nd April  

Dear Club Members.

Just a reminder that the selection of the exhibition images takes place this weekend.

Doors open at 2 o'clock on Saturday and 10 o'clock on Sunday.

Do come along if you can, it would be good to see more members attending this event.

No advance tickets this year or fee to attend.

Please see attached poster for further information.

Kind regards

Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS
KCPA Seniour Vice President
