Print Storage Boxes

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Print Storage Boxes

Chris Sawyer
Are you tired of all the prints stacking up at home with nowhere to put them?

How about buying a print box or two to protect your precious commodities?

The club needs to purchase some new print boxes and so do I, so I thought it would be a good idea to ask other members if they need a print box too.

I normally use Nomadcases and their prices seem reasonable.  For example, a 6" deep heavy duty case with a handle costs £28.  Shipping costs are £12 extra, but the good news is that this stays the same no matter how many cases we buy so we can share out the cost.

I have put together a few screen shots below and you can either answer this post or let me know at the next club meeting if you want me to order a case for you.

I would recommend you go for the heavy duty cases as they have two straps whereas the standard cases are only secured by one strap.

Nomad Boxes

Heavy Duty boxes

Standard Boxes

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Re: Print Storage Boxes

Chris Sawyer
I saw that some of the screen shots are too small so here's another try:

Nomad Boxes

Heavy Duty Boxes

Standard Boxes

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Re: Print Storage Boxes

Bob Mabberley
Chris I intended to ask you about print boxes so I would like one with the webbing handles if that is what you have. Only difficulty might be delivery, hopefully in the next few weeks.
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Re: Print Storage Boxes

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Bob.  Please can you let me know the thickness of the case you want.  

I have a 5" box which takes about 60 prints max.  You could go to 6", but the box will be quite heavy when full.

I will order in about 2 weeks time, so you will have the box well before the end of the season.

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Re: Print Storage Boxes

Bob Mabberley
Chris I  think a 4" box would be adequate at this stage, thanks
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Re: Print Storage Boxes

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Bob - I've got you down for a 4" Heavy Duty Box (£24) + Webbing Handles (£3).  P&P should be around £2.
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Re: Print Storage Boxes

Alan Graham
Can you put me down for a heavy duty 6" with handles please. I need a new suitcase... 😉

On 8 Mar 2017 14:14, "Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks Bob - I've got you down for a 4" Heavy Duty Box (£24) + Webbing Handles (£3).  P&P should be around £2.

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Re: Print Storage Boxes

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Alan - trust you to get the biggest one!

I've got you down for a 6" heavy duty case (£25) + Webbing Handles (£3) + P&P (c£2).  Should keep you going for a season or two.
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Re: Print Storage Boxes

Bob Mabberley
Don't worry Chris size is NOT always important!
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Re: Print Storage Boxes

David Barnes
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Please put me down for six inches of heavy duty with handles. Thanks.