KCPA PDI Competition images on YouTube

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KCPA PDI Competition images on YouTube

Chris Sawyer
From the KCPA...

Dear Club members.

The KCPA PDI Exhibition 2021, brought a vastly increased number of entries than the usual PDI section of the exhibition brings. A big thank you to all those club members that entered the exhibition.

 The KCPA PDI Exhibition 2021 is now up and running on YouTube.

We KCPA hope you enjoy viewing the images via YouTube. Feel free to leave a comment or email

competitions@kcpa.co.uk with any comments.

A full write up, list of accepted images and link to KCPA PDI Exhibition can be found at:


The YouTube video is at the end of the web page.

Kind Regards.

Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE2*

KCPA President & Competition Coordinator
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Re: KCPA PDI Competition images on YouTube

Chris Sawyer
It's taken me 3 days to view all of the images.  The reason for this was I had to keep stopping as I was getting brain overload from the fabulous images.

I spotted a couple of familiar images from Peter Humphrey and, near the end, a mono portrait of Ron Jarvis taken by another photographer (at 30:37 if you want to fast forward for a look).

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Re: KCPA PDI Competition images on YouTube

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Here are the PAGB Inter Fed Competition results from the KCPA:

Dear Club Members
The KCPA write up and results of the recent PAGB Inter Fed competition 2021 along KCPA entered images that scored 13 and over can be found here


If you haven’t already viewed our KCPA PDI Exhibition please do so via YouTube here


Full write up and list of acceptances can also be found here


Be great to get some more feedback from our members.

Best Wishes

Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE2*

KCPA President and Competition Coordinator.