There has been little reason to contact you lately, as there has not been much to report or advise you of happening on the KCPA website
But there is now !! Here is an end of year Update.
The newly formed KCPA News page on Facebook is proving to be a great success. If you are not aware of its existence visit it and ask to join. Not everyone likes these social networking sites but it is another means of communicating with our membership and recently was alive with an animated thread on "Judging" with literally 100's of comments "toing and froing" .
I think the record crowds at the recently held Ross Cup were in some way helped by the Facebook reminders sent out by the very enthusiastic team from Parkwood, very keen advocates and administrators of the site. This is what it looks like.
The crowds that made it to Lordswood, although some of us were led up the garden path by our Sat Navs, were not disappointed by the quality of this well managed event. Full report and Gallery on the website. Congratulations to all winners and Clubs that came away with the certificates, all listed there too, and thank you to the Parkwood team for a prestigious KCPA event.
Twenty clubs sent their delegates to the very recent meeting, a time to voice concerns from the clubs and catch up with friends from around the county. Again Judging and training was discussed and a positive result of this, is that plans are being made for a Judging Forum or Training workshop in 2015, we will keep you informed. When the revised Judges Procedure is approved that will also appear on the Website.
The Generic Rules and some Specific Competition rules have been amended, and these reflected changes, are now on the website. The aim was to update some of the wording, remove obsolete competitions and clarify terminology. But there was also a need to write specific instructions to accommodate the new upload system we are introducing for 2015.
Secretaries and External Competition secretaries will be receiving an email about the new upload system. More detailed instructions will be sent out on January 1st, in readiness for entering their Club's 8 images for the Diamond Jubilee trophy. Initially it is your Comp Secretaries who will use it , but there will be a Telephone Hotline for any problems, do not be put off by the new software we need the Clubs to enter to make it a great success.
The Calendar of events is fully up to date for 2015, even with SxFed ones included, we are trying hard to avoid clashes!
If you subscribe at the bottom of the Calendar Page on the website they will appear on as if by magic on your Google/Apple Calendar, etc
And it is the Diamond Jubilee trophy that is the next KCPA event on the Calendar. Full details HERE
Please keep registering to access Members Area of website.