Last night 9 members of OPS visited Tonbridge Camera Club for our annual Christmas Battle. 15 PDIs were selected by each club and were judged by Zoe Garnham-Archer. In recent years we have not done so well against Tonbridge, but this time we were narrowly edged out by 266 to 265 points (out of a maximum of 300). This gives us great optimism that we can beat them next time on home soil!
The highest scoring images from Orpington were:
Girl in a Black Tutu (by Neil Hobday) - 20
Bexhill-on-Sea (by Tracey Elvidge) - 19
Greenwich Pier (by Barrie Duffield) - 19
Meekong Barges (by Richard Waterman) - 18
Following the Leader (by Alan Parkinson) -18
Dawn over Bamburgh (by Peter Humphrey) - 18
Camping with me and my mates (by Malcolm Ming) - 18
The evening was rounded off with drinks and mince pies supplied by our hosts. Roll-on next year!