Luminar 3 launch today

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Luminar 3 launch today

As an existing user of this software I was pleased to find the new upgrade was free of charge to existing owners ( having complained when they first tried to test market)

I have just installed upgrade and at present I’am quite impressed even considering this could replace LR as very similar setup and easy to download existing folders.

Still early days but it’s the first decent plug-in to compete with Adobe LR but probably not PS if necessary

Would be interesting to know if others have tried this version
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Re: Luminar 3 launch today

OPS Notices
I did put a link onto our FaceBook page where an extra discount was being offered if pre-ordered before the 18th. It is still being promoted so worth a try if anyone wants to go for this. Showing as $49 when discount code added during ordering.

TIMSPHOTOS is the discount code and should be added when ordering via

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Re: Luminar 3 launch today

OPS Notices
I can confirm the discount works. When on payment page click on small 'have discount code' link and add to box. Cost after conversion is £44.
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Re: Luminar 3 launch today

In reply to this post by Bazza
Jury's out at the moment. I've loaded my photos into the library but it is now taking forever to open the program whereas Lightroom opens pretty much instantly.