Member's Evening - 27th November 2018

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Member's Evening - 27th November 2018

OPS Notices
This will be a show and tell evening.

Pick just one theme from the following list:


Then you are required to show 3 PDI images during the evening and explain what it was that got you excited about the images, what you like about them and why you took them.

These do not have to be new images it is preferred if they are from your archives/distant past, providing all 3 images clearly fall within the same theme.

We do not expect these images to be winning shots, often favourite shots can fall to the cutting room floor when selecting a competition image. This is a chance to show that not so perfect shot, be brave.

Remember all 3 images must fit into the same theme!

Bring the images on a stick on the night.
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Re: Member's Evening - 27th November 2018

OPS Notices
A reminder to members the instructions for images required for our next Member's Evening on the 27th are on this thread of the forum.