Message from Alan Graham and the Committee

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Message from Alan Graham and the Committee

Chris Sawyer
Dear Members,

It is with sadness I have to inform you I will be leaving the OPS and Orpington in the not too distant future. As such I have informed the committee that I have resigned my post as chairman and committee member.  Circumstances surrounding the lockdown has prompted my wife to leave her job.  We have reassessed our situation and have decided to cash in our house and move to North Yorkshire. It appears the right time as the house was only on the market 28hrs before we sold.

It has been a great pleasure being part of the OPS.  It has helped me develop as a photographer, introduced me to some terrific friends and kept me busy in my all too early retirement. Serving on the committee and more recently as the chairman has been a great honour. Although the timing of house moves are unpredictable, so far it has been a whirlwind experience and we hope to be gone by September.

Thank you all for what you give to the OPS, every little bit of effort from you makes a difference. During these difficult times your support is needed even more. Please support the committee as they make arrangements for next season and maybe consider joining them.

Bye for now, maybe I will find a new club and we could have an online competition someday.

Kind regards


Alan Graham leaving, Philip Brown appointed Acting-Chairman and the 2020/21 Season

On behalf of the Committee and the members, we would like to thank Alan for his excellent work as Chairman of Orpington Photographic Society (OPS).  He has led the club with great energy and wisdom over the last two years.  He will be greatly missed by all his friends at OPS.  We wish Alan and his wife well in their house move, and every happiness in their new life in North Yorkshire.

Unfortunately, due to the lockdown restrictions, we are not able to meet and show our appreciation to Alan.  However, please join us in thanking him and wishing him all the very best for future.  We hope that we will keep in touch, and we look forward to seeing some of his images from the North of England.  He will be always welcome back at OPS.

The Committee has decided to appoint Philip Brown in the role as Acting-Chairman with immediate effect.  Subject to the appointment of a Vice Chairman, Philip has indicated that he will be willing to stand as Chairman at the next AGM for a further 12 months.

The Committee intends to proceed with a full programme for the 2020/21 season.  However, in view of the Coronavirus lockdown restrictions we do not know when we will be permitted to hold meetings in the hall at Christ Church.   If we are not able to hold physical meetings then we will hold virtual meetings via Zoom.  We will keep you updated and publish the programme for the 2020/21 season later in the summer.   In the meantime, please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you when it is safe to reconvene.

Note on Alan Graham’s achievements at OPS

Alan has been a member of the club for 7 years.  He has been on the Committee for most of that time, first as programme secretary, then vice-chairman and finally chairman for the last two years.  He established our permanent gallery at Orpington Village Hall and was instrumental in making the end-of-season image of the year finals a permanent and welcome feature of the club.  Members will also remember him for his innovative and knowledgeable London photo walks and quizzes.  Behind the scenes, Alan has been promoting the club and keeping members up-to-date through the website, forum and various social media outlets which has been particularly important in the last few months.
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Re: Message from Alan Graham and the Committee

That is sad news and a great loss for the Society. Thank you Alan for everything you have done and I wish you and your wife a great life in North Yorkshire.
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Re: Message from Alan Graham and the Committee

OMG that’s a shock and disappointment as Alan was a dedicated and active Chairman at OPS

Thanks Alan for your work and best of luck up North where landscape photographers are two a penny and street is non existent. Hope you and Mrs G complete the sale and settle into your new residence quickly.

Finally, much appreciate Phillip taking over the reins I during the interim and maybe longer term.
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Re: Message from Alan Graham and the Committee

In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
That is so sad. I have not been a member long but Alan was always kind, helpful and knowledgeable.  he always ensured the meetings ran smoothly and efficiently..

So sad to see him go, but we will all blaze on in the tradition, the club has always seemed to have done.

