Message from KCPA about Chris Shore

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Message from KCPA about Chris Shore

Chris Sawyer
Dear Club Secretaries.

Please find attached the details for Chris Shore's funeral, we would be grateful if you could share these with your club members.

Kind regards Jane Puncher

Funeral arrangements for Chris Shore

Charing Crematorium, New Court Wood, Charing, Ashford TN27 0EB Monday 29th July at 12.30.

Wake/meet ; Afterwards/around 3pm Britannia Inn . Dungeness Rd, Dungeness, Romney Marsh TN29 9ND.

Only family flowers. But, should you wish to make a donation in his name please do so to Pilgrims Hospice, Ashford.

Helen has asked me to pass on her thanks for the sympathy cards received from Clubs, and its members.