RPS - Elements of a Good Picture Symposium 7th December 2024

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RPS - Elements of a Good Picture Symposium 7th December 2024

Chris Sawyer
Dear Colleague,

The Imaging Science Group of the Royal Photographic Society has organised a successful series of 1 day symposiums, under the general title of "Good Picture", annually for a number of years. Details of our previous meetings can be obtained at the following website: http://www.rps-isg.org/?page_id=52

We are pleased to be able to inform you that we will be organising the meeting again this year, which will be open to all, entitled "Good Picture - 2024: Elements of Imaging". This will be at the usual location in the University of Westminster on Regent Street on Saturday 7th December 2024. Another interesting selection of new subjects and speakers will be presented this year again focusing on important aspects of imaging.

The attached file contains the details of the day with titles and brief summaries of the presentations and contact details for applications.


We were wondering if you would be willing to publicise this meeting in your Society for anyone who may be interested in attending this year's seminar; particularly those who would like to gain some insights into the more technical aspects of the digital medium.

We would be very grateful if you could include some details of the seminar in your Society's meetings, publications or websites.

Thank you for your help with this.


Mike Christianson.

Dr. Mike Christianson
4, Greenfield End, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks. SL9 0DW
Tel:01753890480 E-Mail: pandm.christianson@gmail.com