Dear All.
Here is an update from the KCPA to give you information, on some of the important events taking place
over the next 2 months. Please share with your fellow club members & make sure you put the dates in your diaries!
Ross Cup.
This year’s Ross Cup hosted by Eastbourne P.S will take place on Saturday 17th October at the Winter Gardens, Eastbourne.
Full info is on the website. EPS will also be sending out further info to ext comp sec’s later this week.
Audio Visual Competition
Hailsham Photographic Society are hosting the A.V Competition which closes on 1st October, with the event itself
being on 14th November in Hailsham.
Act fast if you wish to enter, and/or book your tickets to go along and observe the competition results.
Tickets cost £8.50 for both observer & entrant tickets. However if the entrant puts a 2nd sequence in it will be £6.00 for
that sequence.
Even if you do not normally take part in the Audio Visual competition why not make this the year that you do!
The event looks set to be a good day with competition entries being shown, and lots of raffle prizes on offer!
They have lots of raffle prizes on offer, so why not go along you never know you may win a prize!
Please see HERE for further information on how to enter or to book your tickets to go along.
PAGB Advisory day
The KCPA committee has decided to hold a PAGB Advisory day on Sunday 15th November 2015 at Detling Village Hall, Maidstone.
Prints and PDIs can be assessed for Credit and Distinction awards. We only have 50 spaces available, so do email Jane
Puncher our secretary with your information via kcpasecretary@gmail.com
See website for further information pagb-awards-for-photographic-merit-workshop
We hope to see you at future events.
Kind Regards
Tracy Hughes