Mounts - from RIchard Waterman

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Mounts - from RIchard Waterman

David Barnes
Stuck down here in Wales I joined the local camera club for something to kill the boredom. In the process they pointed me to a local shop who gives them discount on mounts etc. I spoke to the owner this morning and he is willing to offer OPS the same prices as he gives the club here.

Basically each 40 x 50 is £2.25 (much cheaper than Tubby Lane) and he gets 6 from one sheet as opposed to 4 in Tubby Lane. Backing cards (40 x 25) at 40p ea or full size 40 x 50 at £1 ea. (how it works out cheaper to cut I don't know), half size backing at 12 per sheet.

Here is are the "rules"

1. Mounts must be ordered in quantities of 6 i.e. full sheet and each aperture must be the same size on each sheet.

2. If odd size apertures are required it will be accepted if there are sufficient quantities per order i.e. letter box, square etc.

3. The backing boards are good quality, same thickness as the mounts but more of a glossy finish to them.

4. Different colours available BUT when ordering different colours the quantity per board may change i.e. black only 4 mounts per sheet (different sheet size).  I have ordered Ice White which is in fact a slight cream "tint"

He will do mail order, one package, single man lift, £10 ea. If enough OPS members can agree on what they want I can order it and deliver next time I come return to Orp (about 2 to 3 weeks I hope).


Website is tel the OPS folks to ignore the prices for mounts on the site.

Hope to see you all soon