Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

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Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

Alan Graham
The following challenge has been set by Barrie:

Further to Alan’s request on suggesting our next Online Challenge, I have been busy reading up and studying Fine Art Still Life light-painting during these isolation lockdowns. This type of work gives photos an atmospheric look often achieved by famous artists masters.

After clearing my shed last week I found more space to set up a small studio 4 x 5 ft with various backdrops and stands

Our recent Hearts projects gave me an idea to expand upon an article in one of the online photo magazines which was about the forthcoming spring and looking forward to when this current crisis finishes.

I hijacked one of their ideas with the image below showing an example Green Shoots of Spring....

THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING IMAGES ONTO THE FORUM - Monday 27th APRIL with review during a 5th May* Online Meetup

As mentioned, Olympus users already have the set menu of “Live Comp” that allows the adding of highlights once the initial image has been taken, without it ever being overexposed.

Non Olympus method would involve using a dark room / bulb mode and best to investigate this further on the internet.

Of course Light Painting can be considered outside in gardens during blue hours with light trails torches / wands / phones / large and small without need for total darkness.

Read up on the various methods via internet to get more ideas.
Best of luck

* An online meet-up will be planned for the 5th May providing members wish to continue with them every now and then after the official end of the season.

I hope to have a few of these mini-challenges, together they will give a compilation of images to replace a Summer Challenge.
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Re: Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

Richard W
ok everyone, all round to Barries' at 3pm Monday to use his shed
ps bring your own eggs :-)
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Re: Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

It’s got to be 2 metre gap in the queue 🥚🥚🥚

Sent from my iPhone

On 11 Apr 2020, at 22:31, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

ok everyone, all round to Barries' at 3pm Monday to use his shed
ps bring your own eggs :-)

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Re: Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

Alan Graham
This morning whilst tidying my shed I nearly disturbed this mummy Ratchet feeding its young in a toolbox. Very few are reared in captivity like this. This young'un appears to be a male because of its curved grips and red markings on it's handle.

My 'Spring Hope' offering using Live Composite mode. Happy Easter everyone.

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Re: Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

In reply to this post by Richard W
Some initial ideas that would help in achieving your challenge

Composition of Still Life is a good starting point :- these are some ideas worth avoiding

Above is a screen shot from a specialists in Fine Art Light Photography named Harold Ross, could be worth checking his website for examples plus the above short tutorial
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Re: Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

Chris Sawyer
Here are my Mini Spring Challenge efforts.  All of them are 30 second exposures using an LED in a 'mostly' blacked out room this afternoon.

1. Spring Chicken

2. How did I fit in an egg?

3. Dinosaur Egg (not much to do with spring, but it's an attempt to copy one of Harold Ross's images without paying £995 for the privilege - Barrie will know what I am going on about)

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Re: Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

Chris Sawyer
...and here's another.

"I HOPE I can get out of this SPRING"

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Re: Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Hi Chris,
I thought you looked a little tentative on the challenge during recent Zoom, Harold is too expensive and I’am a a lot cheaper.

Give me a call and will try to assist

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Re: Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

Spring Challenge Support

Light painting has been around since the very early days of photography.

Light painting is a photographic technique in which exposures are made by moving a hand-held light source or by moving the camera during the exposure.

Subjects can be lit by 'painting' the subject with light from outside the frame with hand-held light sources.

Many kinds of light source can be used, from simple flashlights or devices from a leading exponent Harold Ross. ( )

Coloured gels can be used to colour the light. Other sources of light such as candles, matches, fireworks and glowsticks, could also be used but would not suggest these inside an enclosed area.

Light Painting Photography can be traced back to 1914 when Frank Gilbreth, and his wife Lillian, used small lights and the open shutter of a camera to track the motion of workmen.

Man Ray, in his 1935 series "Space Writing," was the first known art photographer to use the technique. Barbara Morgan began making light paintings in 1940.

By using this technique you can produce images that are as 'way out' or as 'normal' as you wish just like one of the old art masters with controlled lighting for atmosphere.

Others being Aaron Jones In the ’90s, there was a great photographer who invented a tool for light painting. It involved a fiber optics cable and a box with a lamp in it. It made the job of light painting so much easier with an invention called the Hosemaster ( )

Even everyday items can be turned into works of art.

Getting Started

To get started all you need is a camera (that has a 'B' or 'T' shutter setting) or an Olympus Digital with Composite Mode, a tripod, a darkened room and a good penlight torch.

I will be posting further ideas during the coming weeks before the Spring Challenge completes plus in meantime if enough members are interested a short presentation to discuss this in more detail.

Cheers All
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Re: Mini Spring Challenge - Spring Hope

Alan Graham
Barrie has agreed to have a short Q&A on Tuesday for anyone who needs help with this challenge.

Starts at 8pm, details below to join in on this Zoom session.

Alan Graham is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Barrie's Q&A
Time: May 5, 2020 20:00 London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 725 2813 3009
Password: 6rA4rP

Here's my effort done using light painting. I have added some post textures but it is a single image taken over about 7 minutes.

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