Mono Print 3 : 26th Feb 2019

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Mono Print 3 : 26th Feb 2019

OPS Notices
A gentle reminder the prints for Mono Print 3 are due in by Tuesday 19th Feb.

Anyone unable to attend please contact me if you have prints that need collecting.
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Re: Mono Print 3 : 26th Feb 2019

OPS Notices
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Round 3 of the Mono Prints produced 3 images with top marks.

Our congratulations go to:

'Why do they call it Greenland' by Ian Steadman

'The Watch Tower' by Philip Brown

and the winning image of the night

'Cantina' by Richard Waterman

The result for this season's Mono Print competition was as follows:


Peter Humphrey FRPS  113+

Runner Up:

Barrie Duffield   112+

Congratulations to Peter for his win and to Barrie for making it so close at the end.

Here is the list of all the final positions and total scores:

This is now showing the correct results. Yellow indicates round winner.

Here are all the scores from the images in every round: Mono_Print_Competition_All_Entries_Feb2019.pdf