Mono Print of the Year 2017-18

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Mono Print of the Year 2017-18

OPS Notices
The following members are requested to hand in the following prints no later than Tuesday 27th March 2018.

These are the prints that were awarded 20 during the 3 rounds.

Alan Parkinson:

David Barnes LRPS:
'Above Symondsbury, Devon'
'Gone & Probably Forgotten'

Peter Humphrey FRPS:
'A Stroll in the Park'

Richard Waterman:
'Knife Edge'
'St Governs Cliffs'
'Path to Grain Tower'
'Coca Cola London Eye'

Yicheng Lu:
'Go Plowing'

All members who entered mono prints during the season are entitled to submit 2 of their prints. This is in addition to any 20s already entered.

It is advisable to submit your prints before the closing date.

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Re: Mono Print of the Year 2017-18

Chris Sawyer
I collected 23 mono and 23 colour prints last night.  The 10 members entering so far are:

Richard W
Alan G
Chris S
Jan G
Peter H  
Steve B
George K-B
Paul Brett
David B
Barrie D

Please bring along next week any mono or colour prints you want to enter in the finals.