I am looking to continue with our regular meets and thinking about Thursday 4th February 2016( if we can book the Rugby Club Rooms-DB)
Please confirm your availability and interest. I will make sure the missed that the Luminosity Mask presentation that i had hoped to present last session will be on the agenda. Any ideas on other heading of subject matter please reply to this announcement |
I can make Thursday 4th Feb for a discussion group session.
Same here On Tue, 5 Jan 2016 12:50 Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote: I can make Thursday 4th Feb for a discussion group session. |
Count me in (if I am here of course!)
Assuming we achieve at least ten attendees, suggestions and presenters now required - four ideally
1/ BD luminosity masks approx 15 mins Some ideas to be developed 2/ ? Preparing images for display and or printing using PS and LR ( reckon could be repeat) 3/ ? plug ins for PS and LR or standalone using Topaz or Nik plus others but these already installed on laptop 4/ ? Depth of field and understanding Aperture, Shutter plus Manual operations 5/ ? Basic Layering and Masking in PS or Elements Please add alternatives or prioritise above. |
At the last meeting it was suggested we have a print discussion evening like we used to have at Tony Seppings' house. This would most benefit newer members who could bring prints along for constructive criticism without the jeopardy of a judge. I have a print easel and lamp if required.
Good idea Peter - thanks, will add to headings if you can supply the equipment.
I need lessons on making difficult selections in PS or other editing software and then getting rid of the fringe around it etc
In reply to this post by Bazza
I'm interested in the 4th Feb evening. I guess any advice and/or information is useful. Maybe some guidance on PS layers but that is probably a big subject.
One important portion of the forthcoming discussion evening, would be a positive critique on images brought along on the night (pdis or prints). Perhaps new members who have still to submit regular entries to comps would like to obtain assistance during this discussion night.
2/3 images from about four or five newish members would take up about 15-25 mins of the evening and we will make sure each image receives ample commentary and feedback Please advise before the 4th your interest in submitting to above or other any questions you may have on this subject |
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