New Discussion Night for February

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Re: New Discussion Night for 4th February

Richard W
Bazza, happy to offer any images for comment etc.
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Re: New Discussion Night for 4th February

Cheers Richard plus I hope a few others needing input
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Re: New Discussion Night for February

Derek Spillman
In reply to this post by Bazza
Happy to attend, I will bring some PDI's. I also have a number of issues with 'Lightroom' will it be set up / available.
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Re: New Discussion Night for February

Richard W
I can always bring my laptop which has got Lightroom on it Derek. What issues are you having?
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Re: New Discussion Night for February

This post was updated on .
Last calls for tonight's discussion, I understand following intend to arrive



AP, TE, DW, Yicheng, AB, BK

reminder - £2.00 on door unless prepaid last Tuesday

Start 7.30
- Luminosity Masks BD (10-15 mins)
- Critique Images  (15-25 mins) please bring along your prints or pdis
- (if time available) summary on using selections in PS (BD and or PH)
- Q&A session 10 mins
Finish 9pm
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Re: New Discussion Night for February

Alan Graham
This post was updated on .
I won't know if I can make it until nearer the time. Also Yicheng says he
can't make it tonight.
On 4 Feb 2016 8:12 am, "Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum]" <> wrote:

> Last calls for tonight's discussion, I understand following intend to
> arrive
> BD, DB, AG, RW, CS, PH, MM, DJ, DS, BM, CW
> Possibles
> AP, TE, DW, Yicheng, AB, BK
> reminder - £2.00 on door unless prepaid last Tuesday
> Start 7.30
> Agenda
> - Luminosity Masks BD (10-15 mins)
> - Critique Images  (15-25 mins) please bring along your prints or pdis
> - (if time available) summary on using selections in PS (BD and or PH)
> - Q&A session 10 mins
> Finish 9pm
> ------------------------------
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> To start a new topic under Club Announcements, email
> To unsubscribe from Orpington Photographic Society Forum, click here
> <>
> .
> <>
Click.... Blank....
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Re: New Discussion Night for February

Thanks to everyone who attended last nights discussion evening, time flew by which left minimal input to critique newbies which were limited in numbers - so many thanks to Derek for bringing along some PDI's plus same to DB and PH for prints.

I estimated numbers attending 14, our largest group to date.

Upon reflection, I suggest we keep complex areas such as Luminosity Masks to a minimum in future and focus on basic LR support.

Perhaps one session could be dedicated to LR only

Comments on content for next session ? In two months would be welcome. (April 7th or 14th)

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Re: New Discussion Night for February

Richard W
I agree ref Luminosity stuff and stick to LR.

Might I suggest next time that we do a similar thing but instead of me/PH etc showing how to do it for the less experienced, why not we drive the machine but they tell us exactly what they want to do to the image i.e. crop lease. apply gradient please etc etc

Another idea is to show them a before and after shot (from me or PH etc) then they have to get the "before" shot to look the same as the "after" shot using LR on their own but can ask guidance for tools etc. We will stick to Lightroom only unless someone specifically asks a question on PS or Vivezza etc AFTER the LR session is finished.

I can even show Avril how to re-size to 1400/1050 in Canon DPP software too :-)
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Re: New Discussion Night for February

Chris Sawyer
Thanks to the presenters (Barrie, Richard, David & Peter) for an informative night last night.  I agree there should be plenty of time for instruction for the newcomers, but the more advance features of post-processing (like luminosity masks) also need to be covered to keep everyone interested.  I had no idea that you could make the refined adjustments that Barrie explained in his presentation, so it was useful to hear how this is done.  
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Re: New Discussion Night for February

Richard W
I agree with you Chris, we need to keep the newbies interested. I really don't mind doing one to one or one to two at a location to be agreed if people want it