New Flickr group for OPS

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New Flickr group for OPS

David Barnes
I have set up a new group with the more obvious name of "OrpingtonPhotographicSociety". This replaces "The OPS 1948". Membership of the new group is by invitation only.
If you were a member of the old group then you have already been invited.
If you were not a member of the old group but would like to be invited to join the new group please leave your name and Flickr id as a reply to this post.
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Re: New Flickr group for OPS

Alan Graham
When you think it's right, I'd like to be part of the Flickr group.

My Flickr name is Big..Al and my home page is

Many thanks

Alan Graham
Click.... Blank....
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Re: New Flickr group for OPS

Dave Jackson
In reply to this post by David Barnes

Yes please, my user name on flickr is deecjay.

