New Members Cup

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New Members Cup

David Barnes
As announced last evening we are introducing a cup to be awarded to the new member with the highest aggregate best scores in all four of our internal competitions. Scoring will start from Colour Print Round 2 on 21st January. The cup will be awarded at our Annual Dinner.
A "new member" is one who joins OPS and who has not previously been a member of OPS.
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Re: New Members Cup

Chris Sawyer
Just a reminder that the opening entries for the New Members Cup will be from next week's Colour Print 2 competition.  There are still two rounds of colour prints, mono prints, PDIs and slides to go before the end of the season, so I am looking forward to seeing what our new members produce.  This is the first time the club has presented a New Members Cup, so here's your chance to make some OPS history!
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Re: New Members Cup

Malcolm Ming
In reply to this post by David Barnes
New Member Cup standings are up on the results page.  
The standings includes scores for all entries submitted (not just the highest scoring) from Colour 2&3, Mono 2&3 and PDI 2.  With the 3rd Round PDI left, it's all to play for.