Night photography

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Night photography

Richard W
This post was updated on .

I am in touch with a Pro snapper who does a 12 hour night stint in London. It is obviously based on the river to capture the lights etc on the relevant bridges etc. He uses some really powerful handheld torches to illuminate said bridges etc so they "pop" out of the frame.

If I can get enough interest, let's say me plus three, I will contact him and ask for a club rate. I can't see it being much more than £40 ea probably less.

Answers on postcard...........................
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Re: Night photography

I would be interested if this price or less, assume this will be in Autumn or Winter

On 5 Jul 2018, at 17:31, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:


I am in touch with a Pro snapper who does a 12 hour night stint in London. It is obviously based on the river to capture the lights etc on the relevant bridges etc. Houses some really powerful handheld torches to illuminate said bridges etc so they "pop" out of the frame.

If I can get enough interest, let's say me plus three, I will contact him and ask for a club rate. I can't see it being much more than £40 ea probably less.

Answers on postcard...........................

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Re: Night photography

Richard W
This post was updated on .
Have spoken to Pro snapper, he will do it for £40 per head. That is about 12 hours of snapping thru the night (tea/coffee breaks inc).
Bazza is already in, two more please...........

ps, there is a bit of walking involved and sturdy tripods are a must
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Re: Night photography

Richard W
Price amended, my fat fingers sorry. Correct price £40 per head
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Re: Night photography

Paul Brett
In reply to this post by Richard W
I'm up for this too.

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Re: Night photography

Richard W
Thanks Paul, one place left folks!
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Re: Night photography

Mick McHale
Richard, sorry for delay but I have not been around. Is there still a place going?

Kind Regards

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Re: Night photography

Richard W
Certainly Mick, you will be the 4th we needed to make it a goer. I will contact the Pro and try to arrange dates, watch this space!