Nikon F-801 & Praktika MTL 5BJPG - For sale

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Nikon F-801 & Praktika MTL 5BJPG - For sale

Chris Sawyer
Alf Hammond (not a member) writes:

"I have the following Camera's and equipment that I'm looking to sell. Are there any of your members that may be interested in having a look at them, and or making me an offer? I am attaching  photo's of the items and would be happy to answer any questions. I live in the Sidcup area.

Many Thanks"

Here are the camera bodies.  There are other bits and pieces such as lenses, flash light, bags and books.  If anyone is interested I will forward the full list and images to you.


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Re: Nikon F-801 & Praktika MTL 5BJPG - For sale

Chris Sawyer
...and before anyone spots the mistake..I can see its a Praktika MTL 5B (not a JPG to be seen anywhere near that one!)