Nunhead cemetery

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Nunhead cemetery

Richard W
Does anyone fancy popping over to Nunhead cemetery one day soon. It is quite an interesting place to visit with much of it being overgrown due to closure for many many years. Some great mono shots to be had in the right conditions.
Trains run 3 and 33 mins past the hour from Orp to Nunhead and take about 30 mins.
There is some walking, some up long gentle slopes so you are free to wander at your own pace.
Please add your name below, I will close the list next Tue evening after club meeting.
Obviously the event will be weather dependant
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Re: Nunhead cemetery

Chris Sawyer
Hi Richard,

Sounds like a fun outing to the cemetary….count me in.

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Re: Nunhead cemetery

In reply to this post by Richard W
I’d like to do this but is depends on which day as to whether I am available.
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Re: Nunhead cemetery

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by Richard W
Please count me in.
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Re: Nunhead cemetery

In reply to this post by Richard W
Yep i’am in if dates are okay, not around next Wed.
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Re: Nunhead cemetery

Paul Brett
In reply to this post by Richard W
Its a bit early for me but ta.


On Wednesday, 6 November 2019, 09:03:34 GMT, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Does anyone fancy popping over to Nunhead cemetery one day soon. It is quite an interesting place to visit with much of it being overgrown due to closure for many many years. Some great mono shots to be had in the right conditions.
Trains run 3 and 33 mins past the hour from Orp to Nunhead and take about 30 mins.
There is some walking, some up long gentle slopes so you are free to wander at your own pace.
Please add your name below, I will close the list next Tue evening after club meeting.
Obviously the event will be weather dependant

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Re: Nunhead cemetery

David Barnes
In reply to this post by Richard W
I'd like to go. It will be more cheerful that TV news programmes.