OPS Annual Exhibition

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OPS Annual Exhibition

David Barnes
Any Member may enter the exhibition. The entry fee is £10 per person. Closing date is 25 February 2014.
An entry may comprise any or all of up to 6 PDIs, up to 6 prints (mix of mono and colour permitted and encouraged) and up to 10 slides. Entry forms will be available. Image formats are as for our internal competitions.
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Re: OPS Annual Exhibition

Brian K

Sorry for the late response, but is this part of any annual competition? Or is this just a separate, stand-alone competition?

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Re: OPS Annual Exhibition

Chris Sawyer
All entries to the Annual Exhibition are seen by external judges.  There are 4 trophies to be won: Colour Print of 2014, Monochrome Print of 2014, Colour Slide of 2014 and Digital Image of 2014.  The judges also decide if any prints, images or slides are Commended or Highly Commended and the author will receive a certificate.  You will know who has won the trophies and the certificates if you visit the exhibition as all the prints are marked up and there are lists for the PDIs and slides showing the winners.  Good luck, but if it is any consolation I am yet to get out of the losers enclosure!