OPS Competition Summission Guidance

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OPS Competition Summission Guidance

OPS Notices
A gentle reminder and guidance on how, what and who to submit PDI images (PDI & PRINT PDIs) for all our competitions as drafted by our print and PDI competition secretaries.

INTERNAL Competitions

1. Summer challenge, PDI, NOT judged, usually set to a theme, fun competition only

2. Three x PDI JUDGED competitions throughout the season, 1400 x 1050, sRGB colour space,
send to orpingtonps@gmail.com

3. Three x Colour Print JUDGED competitions, any theme you like, a PDI of the print, in accordance with
rules in para 2*, should be sent to printsubs.orpingtonphoto@gmail.com

4. Three x Mono Print JUDGED competitions, any theme you like, a PDI of the print, in accordance with
rules in para 2*, should be sent to printsubs.orpingtonphoto@gmail.com

5. Two x PDI Challenges JUDGED competitions, each set to a theme (listen to announcements),
submit in accordance with rules in para 2*.

6. PDI, Colour Print and Mono Print of the Year Finals. Listen to Chairman’s weekly announcements
on eligibility and quantities per discipline. Any PDI, Colour Print or Mono Print that has gained
20+ or 20 during the season will automatically be entered and not count against the numbers
you may enter per discipline

EXTERNAL Competitions - South London Federation (SLF)

The selection committee will select PDIs, Colour and Mono prints to represent OPS,
there will be 8 per discipline with one spare in case of a tie break.
You need do nothing PROVIDED that you have provided a PDI with each of your prints in the first place.
NO PDI equals NO entry!

Any PDI or print that has gained a certificate throughout the season will
automatically be entered on your behalf into the annual SLF. You need do nothing else.

The SLF finals day allows all members to enter 2 x PDI, 2 x Colour Prints and 2 x Mono Prints.
They MUST be accompanied with their jpeg copy in accordance with rules in para 2*.
The prints must be handed to the External Competition Committee member, currently David Barnes,
and the PDI must be sent to orpingtonps@gmail.com.

EXTERNAL Competitions - Kent County Photo Allaiance (KCPA)

Listen to announcements

Other EXTERNAL Competitions - interclub friendly

1. OPS v Rotarua, New Zealand, PDI in accordance with rules in para 2*. Selected by Organiser

2. OPS v Invicta, Kent, 15 x PDI and 15 x mixed print. Selected by Organiser

3. OPS v Tonbridge, Kent, 20 x PDI. Selected by Organiser

It is good practice to submit or prepare all your PDIs in accordance with rules in para 2*, even if it is a show and tell member's evening.

Here is a colourful version for you to print.

* Rule 2 of this memo relates to our main PDI rules:

23. Image files must be in jpeg format and be a maximum of 1400 pixels wide x 1050 pixels high. Smaller images will be projected with a black border. The colour space must be sRGB.

24. Image files must be correctly titled using the following format: “01 Image Title by Given name Family name.jpg”. Each submission needs to be numbered and there must be a space before and after the word 'by'. For example, “01 The Somerset Levels by Don McCullin.jpg”. This rule will be enforced by software. The diagram below illustrates the size part of this rule.

25. Entries may be made on CD, memory stick or preferably by email. The member’s name, email address and contact telephone number must be written on the CD or memory stick or included with the email submission. Entries may be handed in at the club or submitted by email to the PDI Competition Secretary by the date given in the Society’s programme for the competition. The email address is orpingtonps@gmail.com.

26. Entries will be projected and judged at a resolution of 1400 x 1050 pixels using sRGB colour space.