Teas & Coffee at meetings

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Teas & Coffee at meetings

OPS Notices
Hi All

We plan to have refreshments during the following meetings:

Member's Meetings: 4th February & 24th March 2020

OPS v Invicta Bash: 3rd March 2020

The cost will be 50p for tea/coffee and biscuits.

We ask you to bring in a reusable mug or cup to save on the waste. Plastic cups may not be supplied or available and you will get more drink anyway.

Drinks will be served in the hall to save having to pay for the lobby. Your help and cooperation would be appreciated.
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Re: Teas & Coffee at meetings

OPS Notices
Further to the above notice, it has been decided teas and coffee will be available every week starting next week.

Please bring your mugs or cups with you. To help speed things up please place them on the table next to the door as you come in:

Left side (nearest to door) for tea,

Right side for coffee.

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Re: Teas & Coffee at meetings

Ian Stedman
Just want to say, the addition of tea/coffee at meetings is much appreciated.

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Re: Teas & Coffee at meetings

OPS Notices
Thank you Ian, your comments are much appreciated.

The committee would like to thank Jan who has donated a hot water flask which will help greatly.

Can I remind folk it would be helpful if everyone brought in their own cup or mug...
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Re: Teas & Coffee at meetings

Ian Stedman
OPS Notices wrote
Can I remind folk it would be helpful if everyone brought in their own cup or mug...
Next time you are in Orpington pop into B&M:
You can help the planet for only £2.99!