OPS Programme for 2021/22

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OPS Programme for 2021/22

We expect to have a full and exciting programme for 2021/22.  And we are hoping that we will be able to return to the small hall at Christchurch in September.  We have judges agreed for our PDI, Print and PDI Challenges.

We have left a number of evenings open for members evenings.  We would like to hear from you about topics you would like for these evenings.  Please reply to this post with your suggestions/ideas.

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Re: OPS Programme for 2021/22

Ian Stedman

I'll start the conversation, how about a "How do I?" event?
We create a post on the forum or get ideas from the meetings, then ask other members who have expertise to show us how they do it.

This week when Jan was talking about lighting for her photo booth, a few members contributed some simple, practical advice to make it easier. This was a great example.

Who is next?
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Re: OPS Programme for 2021/22

Richard W
Good idea Ian but wouldn't this already be covered under Tutorials, Hints and Tips?
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Re: OPS Programme for 2021/22

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
How about 'Love' as a theme for the meeting after Valentine's day.  15th February 2022.