OPS SLF selection 2018

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Re: OPS SLF selection 2018

OPS Notices
The following images were entered into the semi-final, scores given in ( ):

Colour Print
A Place To Sit                                           Alan Graham LRPS         (7.5)
The Underworld                                        Barrie Duffield LRPS       (7.5)
Side Car Racer                                          Chris Nash                    (9.5)
Royal Guard, City Palace, Jaipur                 Chris Nash                    (6.5)
Grain Tower Battery                                  Richard Waterman         (9)
Castle Stalker                                           Richard Waterman         (8)
Beyond The Beach                                    Jan Gilkes LRPS             (9)
Landing at Rothera Base, Antarctica           Peter Humphrey FRPS    (9)
Reserve not used
Long Journey                                           Yicheng Lu

Aperture Woolwich  70
Orpington   66

Mono Print
Coca Cola London Eye                               Richard Waterman           (8.5)
Knife Edge                                                Richard Waterman          (9.5)
Across the Marshes                                   David Barnes LRPS          (10) Certificate
Becky                                                       Chris Nash                      (7)
A Stroll In The Park                                   Peter Humphrey FRPS      (9)
Pipes, Bath Abbey                                     Peter Humphrey FRPS     (9)
Look of Determination                               Chris Nash                     (7.5)
Fluke                                                       Alan Graham LRPS          (8)
Reserve not used
St Georges Wharf                                     Richard Waterman

Aperture Woolwich  69
Orpington 68.5

Hosta in 360                                           Alan Graham LRPS          (5)
Busking in the Square                              Barrie Duffield LRPS       (7.5)
Ready to Go                                            Jan Gilkes LRPS              (8)
Sadly Neglected                                       Jan Gilkes LRPS              (5.5)
Chinstrap Penguin Feeding Young              Peter Humphrey FRPS     (8)
Long Journey                                           Yicheng Lu                    (10) Certificate
Velodrome                                              Peter Humphrey FRPS     (8.5)
Hole in the Wall                                       Alan Graham LRPS         (8)
Reserve not used
St Pauls Cathedral Staircase                     Peter Humphrey FRPS

Old Coulsdon 68
Orpington      60.5

A total of 8 members attended the semi-final (thank you) all holding out hopes to progress to the final. Unfortunately they were dashed and in the case of the Mono Prints by just 1/2 a mark.

Our congratulations do go to David Barnes LRPS and Yicheng Lu for winning certificates. These will be entered into the SLF Finals Day Certificate Winners Comp together with the previous certificate winners mentioned earlier in this thread.

Although a disappointing end to the evening we must be proud that we were involved in all 3 competitions of the evening which doesn't happen that often. Here's to next season...