OPS v Tonbridge Camera Club 13th Dec

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Re: OPS v Tonbridge Camera Club 13th Dec

OPS Notices
The following images have been submitted to TCC to represent us at the competition.

If you are thinking of going and can offer a lift, or need a lift please speak up or let a member of the committee know during Tuesday’s meeting.

‘And Relax’ by Malcolm Ming
‘Chipstead Dawn’ by Paul Brett
‘Crossing’ by Yicheng Lu
‘Fish for dinner tonight’ by Ian Stedman
‘Grain Tower Battery’ by Richard  Waterman
‘Having a Rest’ By Steve Bacon
'Hole in the Wall’ by Alan Graham
‘Posing’ by Dave Jackson
‘Road Block’ by Philip Brown
‘Royal Guard, City Palace, Jaipur’ by Chris Nash
‘Standing Alone’ by Jan Gilkes
‘Torture’ by Peter Humphrey
‘Underworld’ by Barrie Duffield
‘Where Europe meets North America in Iceland’ by David Barnes
‘Zongo’ By George Knowles-Bacon
‘All the fun of the Fair' by David Grimwade
‘London at night’ by Richard Waterman
‘Harbour Seals on Iceflow in Alaska’ by Alan Graham
‘Snowstorm Over the Millennium Bridge’ by Peter Humphrey
‘Rocks and Rivets’ by Chris Sawyer

Here is a pdf of the score sheet for those going.

Result to follow...
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Re: OPS v Tonbridge Camera Club 13th Dec

Alan Graham
Eight members attended this annual ‘bash’ and were royally looked after by our hosts.

I would like to be able to say we triumphed but I’m afraid I cannot. We made a better effort in the queue for the mince pies and wine. Maybe next year.

The judge did have some kind comments for all the images, she also made ‘suggestions’ on most too. The main point of this competition is for all members to join in and if possible to mix with the other club. They have 86 members to pick from so we have done very well to keep so close at the end.

I did make enquiries if our little competition ever involved a cup or trophy. Not ever being on the winning side I wasn’t sure...

Below are the scores if you wish to spoil your weekend. Having said that I wouldn’t hesitate to submit all our images again. Have a great Christmas.

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