OPS vs Tonbridge - Tomorrow (3 December 2019)

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OPS vs Tonbridge - Tomorrow (3 December 2019)

Chris Sawyer
We are holding the annual friendly competition against Tonbridge Camera Club tomorrow night.

There will be 20 images shown from each club with most of our members being represented in the competition.

In keeping with the festive season there will be drinks (wine, beer, soft drinks), mince pies, various festive treats and snacks.  

Please can you bring along £2 each as a contribution for this event.

Thank you.
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Re: OPS vs Tonbridge - Tomorrow (3 December 2019)

OPS Notices
Thank you Chris for organising the refreshments for tomorrow.

Hopefully as many of our members will try and make it.

The following images will be representing the OPS during the event. Everyone who has entered any of the PDI competitions during this season has an image selected.

The selection committee picked the following images:

1. AG - Step Up (PDI 1)
2. BD - Alchemist (PDI 2)
3. PH - Mirror, Mirror (PDI 1)
4. GKB - Dragonfly (PDI 2)
5. FS - Andrew & Zulu (Wood)
6. RJ - Gentleman Dan (PDI 2)
7. LB - Avenue of Peace (PDI 1)
8. YL - Busy Working (PDI 2)
9. CN - Laughter (PDI 2)
10. PBt - Powering Through (PDI 2)
11. RW - Skateboarder (PDI 1)
12. CS - Grey Heron in flight (PDI 2)
13. JG - Old woodland walk (PDI 1)
14. NH - Just that look (PDI 2)
15. IS - Wot you looking at (PDI 2)
16. DG - I spy with my little eye  (Wood)
17. P Bn - Flaming lilies  (PDI 1)
18. DB Hint of Nuthatch  (PDI 2)
19. AG - Early Evening Stroll  (CP1)
20. DB - Sunlight burning through mist (CP1)

Looking forward to an entertaining evening.
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Re: OPS vs Tonbridge - Tomorrow (3 December 2019)

OPS Notices
I would like to thank all our members who attended and helped out with the OPS v TCC Bash last night. Again we where given a lesson on photography by Tonbridge Camera Club, which I wish to point out have nearly 100 members on their books. Below you can download the full result page in pdf form.

We congratulate the following OPS members for scoring 20/20 for their images:

'A hint of nuthatch' by David Barnes LRPS
'Andrew and Zulu' by Fay Saunders
'Skateboarder' by Richard Waterman

All members can be proud they represented the OPS in this friendly competition. I would encourage all members to make the journey down to Tonbridge next season when they host the Bash. The date will be sent to us in due course. It might be held during their Monday evening meeting as their Thursday evenings are already booked.

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Re: OPS vs Tonbridge - Tomorrow (3 December 2019)

OPS Notices
Next year's OPS v TCC bash will be held at Tonbridge on Thursday 3rd December 2020.