I received these details from Orpington Video & Film Makers that may be of some interest.
Good evening,
Covid-19 has made us postpone the planning of a show of historical films, but the OVFM Spring Show is now back. This will include a film about the History of the Knoll in Orpington as well as our newsreel covering local events in 2019 - 2021 together with a variety of other films made by our members.
The show will be held on Friday 25th March in Orpington Methodist Church and will start at 7:30 pm (doors open 7:00 pm). A poster about this show is attached and you can find further details here:
https://www.ovfm.org.uk/spring-show/OVFM_Spring_22.jpgIf you are interested in attending, please email info@ovfm.org.uk or telephone 01689 811971 to reserve tickets which cost £5 to be paid for at the door. We'd love to be able to welcome you.
Best Wishes,
David Laker