Last night saw the 2021 OPS v Invicta bash. The judge, Paul Dunmall proved to be a very good judge with an eye for detail. Despite some excellent images from OPS we failed to hit the marks required to win, Invcita's score of 446 against our 432, but all credit must go to Invicta for their high standard of images.
A special mention must be made after the judge's comments through the evening and the first goes to Neil Hobday for his image "Lost in her dreams" which was awarded 20 points.
Not to be finished there, at the end of the evening he made a special mention of what he said was the most impressionable image of the competition, one of the most impressionable images seen this year and again, all credit goes to Neil Hobday for his image "Stand off" which also gained 20 marks and a commendable mention, very well done Neil.
The return match will be hosted by Orpington in March 2022.
The scoresheet from the night is attached.