PDI 2 Images due

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PDI 2 Images due

Malcolm Ming
Hi All,
PDI Competition Images Round 2 are due on Tuesday 14th Jan.
As mentioned at the last meeting we will be changing the image size to 1400 X 1050 max.  Please see the above pinned thread with instructions and please have a look at the download page for more details.

One thing worth noting is that the mail address fro these to be sent to has changed to:

Please send your images to me by email and don't forget the new naming convention. See rules.
I can also receive these by memory stick, CD or Dropbox.

Any questions, please ask at the meeting or email me at the above email address.
Many thanks,

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Re: PDI 2 Images due

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Malcolm.

I found the instructions for sizing the PDI images at the foot of the Downloads page in the Member Area.  Thanks for the instructions for Photoshop C5/6, Elements 3.0, 4.0+, Lightroom 4/5 and Paint - they were really useful.
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Re: PDI 2 Images due

Malcolm Ming
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Malcolm Ming
Hi all,  Update 14/01/14
Thanks for the images sent so far.  It's not too late and I'll accept late entries, so please do send in your images (max 4 please) to orpingtonps@gmail.com

So far, I have entries from:
Avril Blamey
Chris Sawyer
David Barnes
Don Bisset
Jan Gilkes
Mike Dancer
Paul McElroy
Peter Humphrey
Rod Tiejen
David Grimwade
Dave Jackson
Brian Keith

If you have sent images in and you are not on the list, then please let me know.

Come on folks, the more the merrier and it's not too late.
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Re: PDI 2 Images due

Malcolm Ming
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Malcolm Ming
So far, we have entries from:

Avril Blamey
Chris Sawyer
David Barnes
Don Bisset
Jan Gilkes
Mike Dancer
Paul McElroy
Peter Humphrey
Rod Tiejen
David Grimwade
Dave Jackson
Brian Keith
Alan Graham
Richard Waterman
Malcolm Ming
Chris Nash

Please email orpingtonps@gmail.com if you have submitted images and your name does not appear above.
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Re: PDI 2 Images due

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Malcolm Ming
Lots learnt last night from showing for the first time and an added bonus having some kind comments for what were holiday snaps on my part.

Already I'm having to focus on so much more than just point and shoot. Something is working!

As a newbie I'm hesitant to ask some questions but one thing did seem odd during last nights judging. The format of showing all the images then having comments I can understand but during the judging/point awarding members names showed up before each photo. Is that normal?

All in all a very rewarding night and informative. A big thanks to all the background bods who make these things work.
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