Advanced warning of the subject of our second PDI Challenge to be held on Tuesday 19th February 2019.
The judge has set the theme: TRIANGLE(S) You are to submit 3 PDI images (usual rules) with compositions made from a triangle framework within street or urban environments. Here is a few examples but are purely as a guide. You should bring your own skills and interpretation to the subject. Triangles.pdf |
Can I just clarify something? So you don't want images with triangular shapes, but compositions with a triangular framework? And it has to be in a street or urban environment?
I think we will need Barrie to confirm that. The examples were supplied by him, maybe straight from the judge. My interpretation is not physical shapes like The Shard. Triangles suggests 3 points or objects, not sure about the limit of the environment they are found. Barrie can you give some guidance? On Fri, 26 Oct 2018, 10:46 PeterH [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum], <[hidden email]> wrote: Can I just clarify something? So you don't want images with triangular shapes, but compositions with a triangular framework? And it has to be in a street or urban environment?
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Hi all,
The basis of the competition is the word “Composition", where the judge suggested it could be made from any number of triangular shapes within the image and not just a triangles.
I do recall in the past several judges have included within their summaries the excellent composition by using triangular lines (could be more than one) and i understood was what the judge was focusing upon.
The subject content was extended to include Urban and Architecturial images as well as Street, as the latter he felt could be more difficult to achieve for some.
Any further questions…..
This may be of some help to some. It is people dominant but the principle is the same as described by Barrie.
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Sorry Just picked up thread as sitting in my junk folder. I don’t think judge wished us to get too hung up about triangles (content) as it’s the composition within the image as per Alan’s examples, I will contact the judge to remind him that the range of content should include people plus objects if necessary. Hope this helps It will could be an interesting evening ...... |
Further to my comments at tonight’s meeting, if anyone needs clarification on the requirements with this PDI challenge I suggest you check the threaded item on triangle composition or contact myself to discuss.
If a reasonable number are interested I would be willing to organise a members group outing to a London urban area for the weekend of either 2nd or 3rd February. Please add your name on list to reply with preference on which day. |
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A reminder your entries for the Triangles PDI Challenge are due in by Tuesday 12th February.
All entries must be submitted via the usual way to Richard. |
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Entries received so far from:-
Peter Humphrey Barrie Duffield Alan Graham Chris Nash Jan Gilkes Paul Brett Richard Waterman David Barnes Philip Brown Chris Sawyer George K-B Steve Bacon David Grimwade Ian Stedman |
Result of PDI Challenge 2.
Our judge gave a good running commentary of what he saw and in some cases what triangles he didn't. Some images were given high praise for their quality but lost a mark or two because they didn't, or didn't appear to follow the brief of Triangles. He did comment that he just may not have had the same thoughts as the photographer but we all know judges can miss the obvious sometimes. I don't believe he did on this occasion. A number of images were held during scoring with 3 being awarded 20. These were: 'Humanity and the Trinity' by Alan Graham LRPS 'Blue Tit on thistle bud' by Richard Waterman and the winning image 'Love Triangle' by David Barnes LRPS. ![]() Our congratulations goes to David for his win and for getting the collective highest score of the evening. Here are the full result/scores in pdf form. PDI_Challenge_2_-_Triangles_Results.pdf
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