PDI Landscape comp questions

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PDI Landscape comp questions

Can any images submitted to above be used in next seasons pdi competitions?
Can any images submitted to above have already been used in previous Pdi competitions?
What is the max number of entries?

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Re: PDI Landscape comp questions

Richard W
Hi Peter, as this is a "Trophy Comp" Im afraid that the answer to your questions 1 & 2 are no. They must be new, never used images.

Number of entries is 3 please, standard sizes 1400 x 1050 etc

Cheers aye
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Re: PDI Landscape comp questions

Hi Peter
Hope you enjoyed that NZ trip and doubt if your have problems in finding three images from that holiday...
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Re: PDI Landscape comp questions

Chris Sawyer
Hi Peter,

Richard's summary of the rules for the Landscape competition is correct.  FYI we added the following to the OPS Internal Competition Rules in September 2015 to cover this:

"26 Additional themed PDI competitions may be held on one specific aspect of photography, such as landscape, street, sport, nature etc.  The same rules apply as for the PDI Competitions above, except that there will be only one heat and the highest scoring image will count.  The winner and runner-up in each competition will receive a certificate of their achievement."