This is a reminder that the main event of the Federation's year, Finals Day, will take place on Saturday 23rd April.
Venue: St. John's Church, Eden Park Avenue, Beckenham, BR3 3JN.
Doors Open: 1pm for exhibition, main event starts at 2pm
Tickets: £5
Please encourage your members to come along - we have the finals of the inter-club competitions, the results of the competitions to find the best of the certificate winners this season plus the results of the Open competitions which many of you entered. It promises to be an excellent afternoon of photography with Roger Force, Rosemary Wilman & Bob Webzell judging.
Can I also put out a plea for help with setting up. There is a lot to do before the doors open as we have to prepare the main hall and set up the exhibition. If you could assist with this from 10am onwards, it would be much appreciated.
This year, due to the building works at St. John's, the exhibition will be held in the church. This means that we need to move chairs before we can put the exhibition stands up, so please come along to help. We will, of course, also need help to put everything back at the end of the event. Thank you.
Kind regards,
Gill Peachey
(SLF Competition Sec.)