Panoramic photography and software

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Panoramic photography and software

Richard W
To those folks who were at last night's meeting here are a few links to some of the software that I mentioned/use:-

MS ICE -   OR just type MSICE into googol and select the first hit on the list - free registration required, a lot of good examples and tips & tricks to be had here to get Autopano Pro, this is a non time free trial BUT your image will be watermarked until you purchase a licence

There are many many more programmes etc available it is a matter of personal choice, for many many tips & tricks I would suggest Youtube

Happy snapping!!
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Re: Panoramic photography and software

Malcolm Ming
Just Tried MS ICE.  For a freebie it works blooming well.  A bit of a pain though as I'm struggling to see how it fits with a lightroom workflow.  I.e. exporting to ICE direct from lightroom (which you can do with photoshop).  However, as said, if you don't have photoshop and want a simple and good stitching application, this works damned well. Thanks Richard for this.
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Re: Panoramic photography and software

Richard W
Sadly can't help on that one Malcolm cos I run Lightroom on Mac and MS ICE on PC (my pc is running xp so I can't load L'room on it).
Might I suggest though that you create a "working folder" on your desktop and export there from L'room then drag n drop to MS ICE and vice versa?
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Re: Panoramic photography and software

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Richard W
Richard, Thanks for recommending MS ICE.  It was easy to install and use... and its free!  I tried it out and it stitched 6 photos in about 15 seconds.  I am worried it could become addictive though!