Panoramic stitching

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Panoramic stitching

Richard W
For Malcolm Ming but all welcome to view

Regarding the Pano' file you saw tonight, go to (no www needed) and type in conger eel in the search box. You should see 2 images, one poor one shot from a dirty window in Singapore and one of St Paul's. It would be interesting to see if you can open/view it as is, please let me know.
I will bring the original file, plus all 44 photos on a stick next time for you to see them. If anyone else is interested I am willing to do a quick (and I mean quick) talk about it, probably best done on a Thu meeting when they are up and running

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Re: Panoramic stitching

Malcolm Ming
Sorry Richard, I can't seem to find your images.  The search term didn't work.  Maybe others had better luck.  Silverlight does however work when viewing.  Looking forward to seeing your image.
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Re: Panoramic stitching

Alan Graham
You need to put 'conger eel' in as 'congereel' then the images show. Very impressive.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: Panoramic stitching

Malcolm Ming
In reply to this post by Richard W
Ahh. I get it now.  I love the way you can zoom into the image and read the names of the boats and see individual faces of the passengers.