Photo editing software preferences.

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Photo editing software preferences.

Greg Bridges
Hi everyone and happy Saturday. Here’s a discussion point. I use a Mac laptop, iPad and iPhone and have been using Apple’s photo editing software since buying my camera. Are there any preferable software packages that the Group is using that are Apple compatible? Look forward to your views and enjoy your weekends.
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Re: Photo editing software preferences.

Hi Greg

I’am also using iMac for editing over past 10 years and if affordable Adobe LR classic has to be my favourite and even PS Photography package is still good value if serious about editing. Before going into Adobe it’s worth spending time on some web training.

My 2nd choice would be NIK package especially the Silver Efex for Mono, it’s been around for years and still recognised as one of the best.

3rd. Choice being Topaz who have become quite expensive recently with their De Noise having good track record

Loads of newer packages around but I know these all work well with IMac and Apple equipment

See you

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Re: Photo editing software preferences.

Further to above, just viewed the below link that covers three levels of editing in LR

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Re: Photo editing software preferences.

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Greg Bridges
Hi Greg,

Another option is Affinity Photo 2,, for a one-off payment of £67.99 and is available for the Mac.

I've recently switched to it from Paintshop Pro and it has been a major step up, it has in-painting/content aware fill and decent selection tools.

I'll second Barrie's recommendation if NikEffects, I use it with DxO photolab and as a plugin for Affinity. For all apps, there is normally a 30 day trial before you buy, worth spending the effort and watching a few Youtube videos on potential packages.

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Re: Photo editing software preferences.

Greg Bridges
In reply to this post by Bazza
Thanks Barrie - that a great help.
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Re: Photo editing software preferences.

Greg Bridges
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Cheers Ian. Will look into alongside Barrie’s post. G
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Re: Photo editing software preferences.

George K-B
In reply to this post by Greg Bridges
Hi Greg,

If you want to try out different editing software I do recommend looking at free open source software they can be very similar to the famous ones. One that I know of and recommend are below:

Dark Table - It is similar to Adobe Lightroom for your Raw Editing. Here's the link... 

Gimp - It is very similar to Adobe Photoshop for your Bitmap editing. Not sure if it has AI yet tho. Link...

I used both of these before paying for adobe package. But now I use lightroom and Photoshop and I can't see myself going back haha.

Hope this will help
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Re: Photo editing software preferences.

Greg Bridges
Thanks George.
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Re: Photo editing software preferences.

In reply to this post by Greg Bridges
I use Capture One All-in-one bundle which allows me to use both desktop & mobile versions of the software. This software can be used on both Mac, M chip series iPad Pro, iPhone & on PCs.

The alternative is Hasselblad's FREE Phocus software which has both a mobile version & a desktop version for editing RAW files. It can be used for the RAW files from my Nikon & Fuji X cameras too, although it is designed to be used with Hasselblad's X & H series & the extraordinarily expensive Phase One digital camera backs.