Now the season is drawing towards the end I have produced a list of the current automatic entries to the photos of the year competitions. Added to this list will be any colour prints awarded top marks in colour print 3.
All members will be able to enter two colour prints, two mono prints and three PDIs* which must have been judged during this season, in addition to the automatic entries they may have listed below.
*PDIs can include images from the two PDI challenges ‘Wood’ and ‘Looking Up, Looking Down’
Your selected PDIs need to be notified to Richard by 10th March 2020.
Your mono prints need to handed in by 17th March 2020.
Your colour prints need to be handed in by 24th March 2020.
For the information of new members these images will not be given a score during the finals but the judge will award the following in each discipline:
Image of the Year, cup/trophy and certificate awarded
2 x Highly Commended, certificate awarded
3 x Commended, certificate awarded
Automatic Entries
PDI of the Year
‘Mirror Mirror’ by Peter Humphrey FRPS
‘Flaming Lilies’ by Philip Brown LRPS
‘The Alchemist’ by Barrie Duffield
‘The Pollinator’ by Richard Waterman
‘Bough Beech in Winter’ by Fay Saunders
‘Sea Eagle on the Wind’ by Fay Saunders
‘Metropolis’ by Peter Humphrey FRPS
‘The Promise of Spring’ by Alan Graham LRPS
'Tree Knot’ by Ron Jarvis CPAGB LRPS BPE1 AFIAP
‘Looking Up’ by Peter Humphrey FRPS
Monochrome Print of the Year
‘Waiting for the Last Boat’ by Philip Brown LRPS
‘Under the Bridge’ by Chris Sawyer
‘Caernarfon’ by David Barnes LRPS
‘Billy No Mates’ by Richard Waterman
‘That Withering Look’ by Philip Brown LRPS
‘Gents Hair Styles’ by David Barnes LRPS
‘He Loves Me Not’ by Neil Hobday LRPS
Colour Print of the Year
‘Early Evening Stroll’ by Alan Graham LRPS
‘Tern Hovering in a Shaft of Light’ by Fay Saunders
‘Terrace Farm Land’ by Yicheng Lu
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