Pocketable quality camera?

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Pocketable quality camera?

Can anyone recommend a compact camera that can be carried in a jacket pocket but is better quality than an iPhone?
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Re: Pocketable quality camera?

Chris Sawyer
I recently bought a Sony RX100 Mark III.  It is quite dinky and the quality seems pretty good.  I can't compare it with the iPhone though as I don't have one.

I will bring it to the club and you can have a look.
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Re: Pocketable quality camera?

Thx Chris
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Re: Pocketable quality camera?

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by PeterH
I just read this article which does not rate my Sony camera...any other suggestions for Peter?

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 VII
There was a time when Sony's RX100 cameras were hot property. Judged against other contemporary compact cameras, their 1-inch sensors and premium features made them worthy of serious consideration. But that was years ago, and times have dramatically changed. Even the latest iteration, the Mark VII, was launched four years ago. Back then a 1-inch sensor was still fairly impressive for a compact camera, but now a growing number of camera phones are packing the same (or almost the same) sized sensor, whereas the RX100 VII's sensor hasn't changed since the Mark IV, launched in 2015. Pitch this 8-year-old sensor against today's flagship camera phones, with their vastly more powerful image processing, and we'd wager the aging RX100 VII would be thoroughly annihilated in terms of image quality. All this might be acceptable if the RX100 VII sported a price tag similar to the rival $600 Panasonic ZS100, but in fact the Sony will set you back a cool $1,300, which makes no sense whatsoever.

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Re: Pocketable quality camera?

In reply to this post by PeterH
I bought a Ѕоnу НХ99 (£429) last November as a holiday/travel camera. I liked the idea of a pop up view finder and flash and takes Raw/JPEG images and "The world's smallest camera with 24-720mm zoom"  
I'm still getting to grips with it - its very pocketable/case on belt but finding it a bit small and the SD Micro is a bit fiddly. Struggle a bit with live view in bright sunshine
I'll bring along next week
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Re: Pocketable quality camera?

In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
maybe get bigger pockets or iPhone 14 Pro
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Re: Pocketable quality camera?

In reply to this post by PeterH
I have a great Lumix DG-GX9 but Tony’s iPhone is even better!