Print round 3 and Print final collection

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Print round 3 and Print final collection

OPS Notices
1. The 3rd round of the Print competition has been rescheduled for Tuesday 22nd March and will be judged by Philip Pound.
2. On the 22nd March, please bring in any prints with a score of 20, and 2 colour and 2 mono prints from Rounds 1 & 2 which can be switched with (<20 scoring) prints from round 3 if desired. Any 20 scoring prints will go through to the final as normal.
3. All prints will be collected at end of the evening.

The following prints scored 20 and should be brought in on the 22nd March.

20 scoring Mono prints
Shyness by Neil Hobday LRPS
Arcadia By Philip Brown LRPS
And they're off by Fay Saunders
The Shard by Philip Brown LRPS
High Tide by Richard Waterman

20 Scoring Colour prints

The Secret Society by Neil Hobday LRPS
Bluebell Wood by Peter Humphrey FRPS
Vertigo by Chris Sawyer
Lady in Red Velvet by David Barnes LRPS
Green Woodpecker with Chicks by Fay Saunders
Glorious Autumn by Fay Saunders
The flight of the heron by Philip Brown LRPS
Goldfinch by Philip Brown LRPS
Watching the Storm Clear by Philip Brown LRPS
Ellie by Ron Jarvis