Results :: Mono Print and final standings

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Results :: Mono Print and final standings

Alan Graham
The results for Mono Print round 3 have been posted on the 2015 - 2016 result page.

Congratulations to Peter Humphrey for his 20+ with his image "Balloon Invasion".

Also scoring 20 where 'The Walkie Talkie' by Richard Waterman, 'Churchyard, Higham' by David Barnes and 'I'm Watching' by Alan Graham. Well done all.

A full list of all the images and scores from all three rounds can be seen by clicking on the 'Download' button beneath each list.

I hope to get all the 20 scoring images uploaded on here very soon.

Mono Print Competition result:

The 3 rounds have been tallied and in a very close fought final (not) the overall winner of this season's PDI competition is:

Peter Humphrey 60++

Runner up was:

Alan Graham 58

David Barnes came a close 3rd with 57.

All the final standings and points tally can be found on the above link.
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Re: Results :: Mono Print and final standings

Malcolm Ming
Well done Peter. A + mark short of perfection.  Impressive.