Rotorua CC v OPS 2019

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Rotorua CC v OPS 2019

Alan Graham
This year's international Inter-Club competition against Rotorua Camera Club in New Zealand will be held later than usual to fit into their season. We normally start the process before Christmas with the result being announced in March.

This year's entries will be submitted in June with the result being announced in September. We will show the images during first meeting back together with the Summer Challenge. The number of images being used this year is still to be announced.

Rotorua are the hosts this year which means they find the judge. I have already lined up a Swedish judge for our turn in 2020.

At the end of March I will be visiting Rotorua and meeting the chairman and other members. It's tough but someone has to do this sort of thing. I can assure members that the treasurer has refused any expenses or mileage allowance whilst I represent the society...

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Re: Rotorua CC v OPS 2019

OPS Notices
Tonight we all saw the images and result of this years competition. We lost 105 - 115 but Philip Brown was awarded best image in competition, well done Philip.

I have added all the images to our Inter Club Gallery, below are the comments made by the judge on each image.
