Update from Gerald...
Further to the reminder e-mail sent out by Gill Peachey yesterday morning, the organisers of the AV Competition have decided to extend the closing date for entries by one week to Monday 16th January 2017, to give those members who have sequences which they would like to enter into the competition, a few extra days in which to submit their entries.
Please would club secretaries and/or delegates draw the attention of their members to this extension by way of an announcement at their meetings during this week..
To make things easier at this stage, members may send in their entries individually instead of consolidated in one single entry by their club co-ordinator. Similarly, advance orders for audience tickets may be made individually, if preferred.
Please send in your entry (on usb stick or cd) and/or audience ticket advance order, using the forms supplied earlier and making cheques payable to Carshalton Camera Club, to:
Gerald Kitiyakara
136 Gravel Hill
to arrive by Monday 16th January. If you live nearby, or happen to be passing by, you might like to consider dropping these off at this address.
This is the first time there has been an SLF AV competition since 2013. Please support this event.