SLF AV competition

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SLF AV competition

David Barnes
This is from Gill Peachey.

Please note that today, 9th January, is the closing date for AV competition entries to reach Gerald Kitiyakara.
Full details for the competition can be found in the attachments (as sent on 12th September by Gerald).

Would clubs please encourage their members to come along and support this event. It is being hosted by Carshalton CC and will take place on:

Saturday 18th February 2017 at
The Ruskin Hall,
Carshalton Methodist Church,
Ruskin Road,
Carshalton SM5 3DE.

Judge: Carole Speight ARPS DPAGB APAGB

Doors open at 1:30pm for a 2pm start. The event will end around 6pm.

Tickets cost £5 (free entry for those who have entered a sequence) and are obtainable from Gerald (tel: 07790 599302 email: ).

Although the event is principally a competition, it is also an afternoon of entertainment that is suitable for all. Please come along.
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Re: SLF AV competition

David Barnes
Update from Gerald...

Further to the reminder e-mail sent out by Gill Peachey yesterday morning, the organisers of the AV Competition have decided to extend the closing date for entries by one week to Monday 16th January 2017, to give those members who have sequences which they would like to enter into the competition, a few extra days in which to submit their entries.

Please would club secretaries and/or delegates draw the attention of their members to this extension by way of an announcement at their meetings during this week..  

To make things easier at this stage, members may send in their entries individually instead of consolidated in one single entry by their club co-ordinator.  Similarly, advance orders for audience tickets may be made individually, if preferred.

Please send in your entry (on usb stick or cd) and/or audience ticket advance order, using the forms supplied earlier and making cheques payable to Carshalton Camera Club, to:

Gerald Kitiyakara
136 Gravel Hill

to arrive by Monday 16th January.   If you live nearby, or happen to be passing by, you might like to consider dropping these off at this address.

This is the first time there has been an SLF AV competition since 2013.  Please support this event.
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Re: SLF AV competition

David Barnes
In reply to this post by David Barnes
Update with results:

To all SLF Club Secretaries & Delegates:
(copied to SLF Committee)

The results of Saturday's AV Competition at Carshalton were as follows:

Winner of the Audio-Visual Trophy
Conserving a Masterpiece      - Roger Stevens ARPS, DPAGB  (Selsdon CC)

Certificates of Merit
Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red     -  Pat Bradford  (Carshalton CC)
Roman North Africa - The Future is Threatened           -  Martin Ridout LRPS  (West Wickham PS)
The Typewriter       -  Darren Pullman  (Carshalton CC)

Best Club Sequence
Blue Jeans             -  Carshalton Camera Club

Congratulations to all our award winners and a big thank you to everyone who entered the competition and attended the event.

The Federation's thanks go to Gerald Kitiyakara, Dave Rayers and all the Carshalton team for the many hours they put in to organising this competition and ensuring that everything ran smoothly on the day.


Gill Peachey
(SLF Competition Sec.)