SLF Finals Day 2017

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SLF Finals Day 2017

David Barnes
This is a reminder that the main event of the Federation's year, Finals Day, will take place on Saturday 6th May.

Venue: St. John's Church, Eden Park Avenue, Beckenham, BR3 3JN.
Doors Open: 1pm for exhibition, main event starts at 2pm

Tickets: £5
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Re: SLF Finals Day 2017

Alan Graham
I should be going. 

On 28 Apr 2017 09:52, "David Barnes [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
This is a reminder that the main event of the Federation's year, Finals Day, will take place on Saturday 6th May.

Venue: St. John's Church, Eden Park Avenue, Beckenham, BR3 3JN.
Doors Open: 1pm for exhibition, main event starts at 2pm

Tickets: £5

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Re: SLF Finals Day 2017

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by David Barnes
I will be going along to the SLF finals.
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Re: SLF Finals Day 2017

OPS Notices
Eight images where selected during the SLF finals today for comment by the judges. To have your images selected to be commented on at a final is a great honour and puts your image in the top few. Well done everyone.

They were:

Keith Johnson Trophy (Colour Print Hon. Mentions)

"Pontiac" by Alan Parkinson

Owen Trophy (Mono Print Hon. Mentions)

"Holy Trinity Church Long Milford Suffolk" by Peter Humphrey ARPS
"Tate Britain Staircase" by Peter Humphrey ARPS

Edwin Appleton Rose Bowl (PDI Hon. Mentions)

"Yes You" by Malcolm Ming

Jack's Jug (PDI Open Comp)

"Shadow Play" by Peter Humphrey ARPS
"Long Journey" by Yicheng Lu
"At Speed" by Bob Mabberley

"Keeping her thoughts to herself" by David Barnes LRPS was awarded a Certificate of Merit