SLF Finals Day will be held on Zoom on Saturday 10th April 2021 from 2 - 4:30pm. Due to covid restrictions, this event will be for PDI competitions only.
The event will be free to attend but will be limited to 100 participants. Further details on reserving tickets will be sent to clubs nearer the date. The competitions to be held are: · Inter-Club PDI Final (Vic Smith Trophy): Competing clubs: Carshalton, Old Coulsdon, Orpington & South London Judge: Chris Palmer FRPS EFIAP DPAGB APAGB · Best PDI Competition (Edwin Appleton Rose Bowl): Judge: Anne Sutcliffe FRPS EFIAP PPSA · Open PDI Competition (Jack's Jug): Judge: Anne Sutcliffe FRPS EFIAP PPSA Best PDIs for 2020-21 Season The following Orpington images go forward to the Edwin Appleton Rose Bowl Competition at Finals Day: The Alchemist Barrie Duffield COVID City Peter Humphrey FRPS Common Wasp Richard Waterman You should refer to the rules for each competition as stated in section 3 of the handbook which is on the SLF website at: Open PDI Competition - to encourage wide participation, there will be no fees to enter the Open Competition. Up to two entries per author can be entered. Entries must not have been awarded a certificate in any SLF competition. They must not have been in any SLF Open Competition, in any medium, before. All PDIs to be submitted in 1400 x 1050 pixel resolution. PDIs to Richard (max 2) by Close of Play on 3rd March. |
As most of you are aware we are in the finals for PDI finals for the SLF to be held on 10th Apr. the following images/authors have been entered:_
Bough Beech in winter - Fay Saunders Covid City - Peter Humphrey FRPS Common wasp - Richard Waterman Trump stinks - David Barnes LRPS School run - Philip Brown LRPS The promise of spring - Alan Graham LRPS The Alchemist - Barrie Duffield Shapes - Ron Jarvis Pan's place - Fay Saunders (this is a reserve image in case of a tie break) Good luck to all :-) May I also remind all that any personal entries for the competition need to be given to me by 5th March, so far I only have entries from:- Peter Humphrey FRPS Jan Gilkes Barrie Duffield Chris Sawyer |
Further to the list above the following have entered into Jack's Jug Open PDI for the SLF finals Day:-
Peter Humphrey FRPS Jan Gilkes Barrie Duffield Chris Sawyer Richard Waterman Neil Hobday David Barnes Fay Saunders The entry is now CLOSED and no further entries admissible - that's all folks!! |
In reply to this post by David Barnes
Message from SLF about SLF Finals on Saturday 10 April
It is now just over two weeks until the main event of the SLF year and we hope that you are all encouraging your members to join us on Zoom at 2pm on Saturday 10th April. The event is free to attend and a link to join the Zoom meeting (open from 1:45pm onwards) will be sent to you after Easter. Our judges for the event are Chris Palmer FRPS EFIAP DPAGB APAGB and Anne Sutcliffe FRPS EFIAP PPSA. The competitions taking place are: The Vic Smith Trophy This is our first ever 4-way inter-club PDI final. The competing clubs are Carshalton CC, Old Coulsdon CC, Orpington PS & South London PS and our judge is Chris Palmer The Edwin Appleton Rose Bowl The competition is to find the best PDI from the season's inter-club panels. Anne Sutcliffe will comment on a selection of images and announce her winner. Jack's Jug Anne Sutcliffe will comment on a selection of images from this year's Open PDI competition and announce her certificate & trophy winners. Do join us for an afternoon of the best photography from our clubs. Although we won't be able to show a slideshow of all the entries on the afternoon, we hope to make these available at a later date. Note: The event is limited to 100 attendees. We appreciate there may be more people wishing to attend than this so our judges have kindly agreed that we may record the event and make it available to SLF Club members for a limited period. Thank you all for supporting the competitions & we look forward to seeing you & your members on the 10th - fingers crossed that the technology doesn't play up! |
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