SLF PDIs 2017/2018

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SLF PDIs 2017/2018

David Barnes
We competed in this last evening.
The judge was Andy Smith.
Scores out of 80 as follows.

1. Old Coulsdon 78.5
2. West Wickham 69
3. Carshalton 67.5
4. Aperture Woolwich 67 and 4th after tie break
5. Selsdon 67
6. Orpington 64.5
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Re: SLF PDIs 2017/2018

OPS Notices
After our glorious finish in the last round tonight we competed in the Plate competition.  

The result was as follows:

1. South London 67.5
2. Orpington 66
3. Aperture Woolwich 64.5
4. Bromley 62
5. Croydon 58.5

Only 1st place move onto the final.

Our congratulations goes to David Barnes LRPS (Keeping her thoughts to herself) and Peter Humphrey FRPS (Shadow Play) who both scored 10/10 and were awarded certificates. Well done to the two of you.