This is an opportunity to enter the SLF’s Open Print Competitions.
Please bring up to 4 prints of which 2 can be colour and 2 monochrome to the meeting on 22nd February 2022. The print must have the Title, Author, Club and Reference Letter on the back. Our reference letter is ‘N’. A PDI (1400 x 1050 pixel resolution) must accompany ALL prints. The PDIs should be sent to with the heading SLF Open Mono or SLF Open Colour by 22nd February 2022. Please bring in any SLF trophies you are holding to the same meeting. The full details of the competitions and Finals Day are shown below. ___________________________________________ From Jack Bates To club SLF delegates and club competition contacts SLF PRINT Competitions: FINALS DAY Saturday 23rd April 2022 Finals Day Saturday 26th February 2022 Closing date for PhotoEntry Thursday 3rd March 2022 Hand-in all Prints at Delegates meeting We are delighted that Keith Evans FRPS DPAGB, and Marie-Ange Bouchard ARPS CPAGB, have agreed to judge our competitions. Finals Day brings together all the Federation’s print competitions. 1. The Final of the Inter-club Panel Competition 2. The Open Colour Prints 3. The Open Monochrome Prints 4. The Print of the Year The Inter-club Plate competition cannot be run, as all clubs will be in the Final on this day. Inter-club Print Panels To date, ten clubs have indicated that they will enter this competition. Each will present a panel of eight prints, plus a tiebreak print. Entry will be through PhotoEntry. Entries can be modified by clubs as required, up to the closing date: 26th February. All prints must be handed in at the Delegates meeting: 3rd March Recognising that eighty prints could be an unfair burden for one judge, we will be splitting the judging of the total entry into two sections. Section 1 will include the first four prints from each club’s entry, and will be judged by Keith Evans. Section 2 will include the last four prints from each club’s entry, and will be judged by Marie-Ange Bouchard. The winning club and the second-placed club will be awarded trophies. No certificates will be given. Print of the Year This will be selected by the judge(s) from the top-scoring prints among the eighty prints of the inter-club panels. Open Colour & Open Monochrome Prints Entries must be submitted on PhotoEntry through the member’s club. Closing date: 26th February. All prints must be handed-in at the Delegates meeting: 3rd March The prints will be pre-judged. The judge will select the winning print, three other prints for certificates, plus a further small selection of prints for comment at the easel on Finals Day. Prints must conform to these SLF rules, including this added requirement agreed last year: “No print may be in both the Club panel and in the Open competition in the same season. “ “Any member of a Federation society may enter up to two prints of their choosing. Items are not eligible which have been awarded a certificate in any previous Federation competition. No item may be entered into more than one discipline in the open competitions, whether in the same or a subsequent season, e.g. a projected digital image cannot be re-used as a colour or monochrome print.” The winning colour print will be awarded the Punch Bowl trophy. The winning monochrome print will be awarded the Retina Cup. Provisional Schedule for Finals Day 1.30 pm Doors Open 2.00 pm Welcome 2.10 pm Open Colour Prints Marie-Ange Bouchard 2.30 pm Inter-club Panels (part 1) Keith Evans 3.30 pm Interval 3.50 pm Inter-club Panels (part 2) Marie-Ange Bouchard 4.50 pm Open Monochrome Prints Keith Evans 5. 10 pm Print of the year 5.20 pm Closure Location for Finals Day Sanderstead Methodist Church 104 Limpsfield Road, South Croydon, CR2 9EF (Opposite Majestic Wine Warehouse) There is some parking space in the church forecourt. Otherwise parking in nearby side roads is permitted. There will be no charge for the event, and tickets will not be required. |
Here are the details of, and timetable for, the SLF Print Finals Day (23rd April 2022).
Reminder_for_Clubs_for_SLF_Print_Finals_2022.pdf The event is free and the address is: Sanderstead Methodist Church 104 Limpsfield Road, South Croydon, CR2 9EF |
Please find attached the score sheets for the SLF Print Finals Day Inter-Club Panels.
SLF_Finals_Day_-_Inter-club_Prints_2022_Scoresheet_Final.pdf There will only be limited copies available on the day so it would be helpful if clubs could print off some for their own use. Kind regards, Tom Sherrin Chair SLF |
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Whilst the rest of the club were spending time in the Barbican I had a 4 hour print marathon at the SLF Finals. About 50 people attended from 10 clubs and there was an exhibition of prints by Gill Peachey.
In the Inter-Club Print Finals OPS were trailing in last place at the half-way stage, but rallied to finish an acceptable 6th out of 10 clubs. The scores were: 1st - Old Coulsdon (68) 2nd - Croydon (67) 3rd= Photocraft (65.5), Carshalton (65.5) 5th - Aperture Woolwich (65) 6th - Orpington (64) 7th= Beckenham (63.5), Bromley (63.5) 9th - West Wickham 10th - South London There were 4 certificated prints scoring 10. The highest scores for OPS were: 'That Withering Look' by Philip Brown (9.5) 'Tern Hovering in a Shaft of Light' by Fay Saunders (9) 'Rocky' by Ron Jarvis (9) We had a few prints in the Open Colour and Open Mono competitions; however none merited a comment. |
From the Chair of the SLF:
Please find attached a PDF version of the Print Finals Day results. Regards, Tom Sherrin SLF_Finals_Day_-_Inter-club_Prints_2022_Results.pdf |
More details from the Chair of the SLF about Print Finals Day:
"Another season of inter-club competitions over with a successful ‘Print’ finals day held last Saturday following on from the ‘PDI’ finals hosted earlier by Old Coulsdon CC. Some special thanks need to be mentioned about last Saturday. Firstly to Jack Bates who picked up the reins after the loss of Gill and set about taking on- board all of the arrangements for the day. Without Jack’s hard work in not only the arrangements with the venue but also the collection and delivery of the prints to the judges, all could well have been lost. Finals day cannot work without the help of others. My thanks go to Martin Ridout who chaired the meeting in my absence due to Covid and West Wickham CC who sorted out all of the refreshments for us, I’m told that they were brilliant. Notable contributions in helping out on the day go to David Sawer who managed the trophies, Peter Sullivan for his work on DiCentra, Janice & Jeff Penfold, David Harford, Lynda Morris, Doug Crockett and Paul Gosling to name but a few. A good team effort. Using two judges on the day and splitting the competitions between them worked well and the feedback has been positive. Finally, the member clubs of the Federation. Without the support and entries to the various competitions there wouldn’t be any panel competitions or indeed any Final days. It hasn’t been an easy couple of years so the involvement of member clubs is very much appreciated and we look forward to next season. The full results of the ‘Print’ finals day are attached. And last but not least a reminder that the SLF AGM will be held at Shirley Methodist Church on Thursday 19th May 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Further details will be sent out nearer to the time." Kind regards, Tom Sherrin Chairman. |
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