Saints Challenge

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Saints Challenge

Chris Sawyer
The Saints Challenge last night provided some interesting images and some light-hearted discussion.

Chris Sawyer kicked off the evening with a monologue about the patron saint of photographers (St Veronica) and continued with his images which included St Trelliswork below (he wanted him to come round and fix his fence).

Among other entries, Malcolm produced 5 images in and around St Pancras station.  He explained how he had used Nik software to replicate the wet-plate process of yesteryear.

Barrie had a cyclist flying through the air outside St Pauls and the St Pauls theme was also captured by Chris Nash and Alan Parkinson with their Millenium Bridge shots.

Dave Jackson had a dark and brooding Elizabeth Castle in St Aubins Bay which someone suggested could be an entry in the landscape competition next week.

Richard Waterman's images were shown in his absence.  He admitted in his written submission that the links to saints were tenuous to say the least.  Here is what he wrote about the following image: "A tramp sitting in a doorway, hardly religious is it?  St Catojan is the patron saint for the unemployed (groan!)".

Peter Humphrey proved the extent of his travels with 3 images from Devon (sorry that should read Dunedin, NZ but it all looks the same!).

Finally, it was agreed that Barrie's composite image of "Saints & Sinners" was the best of the bunch.