KCPA pdi exhibition judging

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KCPA pdi exhibition judging

Attended the above today at Detling, with around 1100 Colour pictorial pdi's entered by individuals of the KCPA for judging and display and another 450 Mono Pdi's -  it was a lengthy process.

Marking was fairly conservative by the three judges with nobody achieving the top two marks of 14 and 15 in Mono and I recall just one 14 in Colour.

What I did notice was plenty of Spirals which everyone should recognise as our Peter's current focus subject and pleased to announce that one of his Mono entries (the Librarian) achieved a certificate of merit with 12+ star.

I was only able to obtain two 12 marks in my single mono genre, sorry if missed anyone else but they should all be announced in near future.

Prints to be judged on Sunday.

Well done Peter
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Re: KCPA pdi exhibition judging

Thanks Barrie.
Here is the said image.
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Re: KCPA pdi exhibition judging

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Bazza
Well done Peter for your certificate achieved in spite of stiff competition from so many images.  I am intrigued by the hand-rails in your image.  I think the budget cuts for libraries caused them to buy a job-lot of short hand-rails and then welded them together!
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Re: KCPA pdi exhibition judging

I think it was done deliberately to stop the librarians sliding down the banister! You'd only try it once......